How To Say Goodbye To A Beloved Dog


If you are a dog lover, you know how much your life is enhanced by having one as a family pet. Among the benefits of owning a dog is that you're probably happier and healthier than you would be without one. Because of all the love and devotion your family and your dog give to each other, when your pet dies, it is heart-wrenching. Here are some ideas that might make it a little bit easier to say goodbye to your beloved dog when it passes away.

Mimic Funeral Services For People - The whole point of having a funeral is to bring closure and comfort to those who are left behind. That holds true for human beings and animals alike.

  • Consider having one person tell a little bit about the history of your dog. This would include the date and place of birth, the death date, and some facts about the things your pet enjoyed doing. For example, if he loved playing frisbee, that would be something to include in the talk.
  • Another idea is to have each person in the family tell about favorite memories of time spent with your pet. It would even be good for love notes to be written that will later be buried along with your pet. Were there friends who were also a big part of your family life and who loved your dog? Consider inviting them to the funeral and asking them to share their own thoughts during the service.
  • It would be very appropriate to have music at your dog's funeral service. Two hymns that might be used are O God, Your Creatures Fill The Earth and All Creatures Of Our God And King. If you aren't comfortable singing them, think about having somebody just read the words of the songs.
  • Consider selecting a place of internment where you can visit the graveside often. If not your backyard, then a pet cemetery or a place in a nearby countryside would be good places to bury your beloved dog. Think about buying a granite headstone from companies like Genesis Granite for the place of burial. Besides adding your dog's name, birth date and death date to the headstone, consider selecting words that fit your dog's life. Devoted Companion, Beloved Friend, and Remembered Forever are some ideas you can use. Another thought is to order a headstone with your dog's picture on it.

Usually it just takes time for the healing to take place. It might be a good idea to give yourself time to mourn before buying a new puppy.


12 August 2015

Have You Planned for Your Future?

When my father passed away a year ago, my mother didn't have any problems with the funeral or burial. My father planned his funeral in advance. He didn't want to burden my mom with any problems during her time of grieving. That hit me. I realized that I didn't have any plans for my own future, which would make it even harder on my wife and kids. So, I contacted a funeral home online and requested information about burial services. The funeral home provided me with many options that I could afford to pay over time or upfront. My wife also helped select burial plots for us because we didn't want to be separated — even after death. I encourage you to read through my blog. It offers great tips and advice on how to plan for your own future. Don't wait. You never know what life holds for you.