Kooky Curiosities Most People Have For Funeral Directors But Never Ask


Spending all day with people who are "resting in peace" is one career that invokes a lot of curiosity among the general public, but is rarely brought up in regular conversation. You may be curious about a funeral director, their experiences, and their employment duties, but even if you were given the opportunity, you would likely never ask in the questions you have floating in your head in person. Here are a few of the kooky curiosities you may want quenched and the answers that will satisfy your not-as-odd-as-you-think thirst for knowledge. 

So, how much money does a funeral director really make?

Contrary to popular belief, most funeral home directors don't get into the business for the money. Even though funeral directors reap a seemingly attractive median income of just over $50,000 a year, this is not all that great when you consider how many hours they often put in at the "office." Funeral directors are often on call all through the day and night because, when someone passes on, the professional often takes calls from prospective customers and may even have a hand in going to retrieve the remains. 

Is it true that people actually make noise after they pass away?

The body doesn't actually stop functioning completely at once when someone passes away. Instead, different areas of the body stop working in succession. This can mean that one part of the body will suddenly stop working, such as the heart or brain, while other parts of the body will still be active, such as the lungs or vocal chords. If someone passes away with air in their lungs or getting ready to speak, these natural processes can still occur long after the heart has stopped beating and the person is actually already passed. So, yes, people can make noises after they are in the funeral home and funeral directors are probably used to it. 

Why would someone ever choose to work with the deceased?

Believe it or not, working with the deceased does have its perks. being a funeral director is not for everyone, but this position gives a specific type of person the chance to work in an environment where they can be thoughtful, sympathetic, and helpful. It's not uncommon for funeral directors to have a genuine desire to help others and it is often enticing to be in a profession where you have the chance to make the final impression on loved ones on the behalf of your clients. 

For a local funeral home, contact a facility such as Healey Funeral Home.


29 December 2015

Have You Planned for Your Future?

When my father passed away a year ago, my mother didn't have any problems with the funeral or burial. My father planned his funeral in advance. He didn't want to burden my mom with any problems during her time of grieving. That hit me. I realized that I didn't have any plans for my own future, which would make it even harder on my wife and kids. So, I contacted a funeral home online and requested information about burial services. The funeral home provided me with many options that I could afford to pay over time or upfront. My wife also helped select burial plots for us because we didn't want to be separated — even after death. I encourage you to read through my blog. It offers great tips and advice on how to plan for your own future. Don't wait. You never know what life holds for you.